Thursday, January 28

More Wii Fit

It seems that every time I get the opportunity to try my friend's Wii Fit, something prevents it from happening. The week they went away and I was minding their doggie, they had painters come to do the interior of the house and I couldn't get close to the TV to try it out. So, this week he gave it to me for a week to try at my own house. But I woke up Monday morning with a killer sore throat and have gotten sicker each day. I did try to do some activities on the Wii Fit, but I couldn't really give it my all. But, I can tell you that I DO love it and I'll be getting my own. The Yoga is especially good. With each pose you have a target circle on the screen to try to stay inside of which tracks your balance. So, you know if you are doing the pose correctly. The balance board is very sensitive. Any little movement and you can go outside the target circle, so it's a great way to keep on track. It tracks your time and calories burned. I love the little running programs. The graphics are great and I find I'm really competitive with the other little avatar people. The Hula Hoop is a kick. Best of all, I really work up a sweat so I know I'm getting a workout. There are so many things to try that I never get bored. In my opinion, a lot of couch potato kids would love this and it would be a great way to get them active. I do it for about 40 minutes a day.
So far, I'm down 7 lbs since I restarted this weight loss thing the week after Xmas. That's a good steady pace of about 1.5 lbs a week. Of course I think it should be melting right off me at a terrific speed considering my diet, but this is the right way to do it.

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