Sunday, September 27

On Hold

I know it's been ages since I last posted ....and I may have been neglecting the blog, but not the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle! Eating healthy and exercising is just a part of my daily routine. I feel great, full of energy and filled with lots of new pursuits and new ideas.
So, while I won't be on Hold, the blog will be....for a while anyway. I found that I was spending way too much time doing research and writing for the blog. And while I found it all very valuable and interesting and learned a lot, it was taking too much time away from other pursuits.

For now, I'm going to spend time working on my painting...(see my painting blog), practicing all the new methods I learned at a recent workshop. I find that I can easily spend all day at my easel and not tire of it! I also need to find other employment...the kind you leave the house for that hopefully has health insurance benefits.
So, I'm leaving the blog up for people who use the links (like me) and I'll be posting new links and occasionally will write a new post when I want to share some helpful info.
So, keep living healthy and check back occasionally!